Installment Payday Loans are short term loans which are required to be paid back by the next payday. The amount of loan is small and can range from $3000. The interest rate for this sort of advance is on the higher side but since the tenure is very small the actual interest figure does not amount to much.
Payday loans, because they are so speedy and hassle free, are very handy when there is some sudden expenditure and there is not sufficient currency to cover impermanent but urgent payments. In fact they are the only help obtainable to the people who have a bad credit history and have maxed out on their credit cards.
Benefits Of Installment Payday Loans
Though lots of people criticize installment payday loans because of their high interest rates but if one were to actually analyse the numerous benefits it offers to the borrowers, one finds that it is a first-class alternative financing alternative especially for those who despite having a steady job can't get any loans from banks.
Some Of These Benefits Are:
Speedy and hassle free processing - approval within minutes and currency in the account in very short span of time.
Easy To Apply - no need to run to the bankers, just fill up an online form from the comforts of home or office and you are on.
Nil Paperwork - no require to furnish any documents proving your identity etc.
Easy Repay - you just require furnishing a post dated cheque or arranging for auto-debit from the bank account to pay back the whole quantity with interest thus there is no require to keep the bank account prepared each month for the next installment.
Easy Terms - no require supplying any sort of security and if you feel not capable to pay back on time just asking for an extension which is simply provided against a fee.